SDI, Raebareli started its journey with the society registration on 8th August 2017 vide registration no. 1281 under Society Act 1860 to operate a Skill Development Institute. SDI Raebareli hasbeen established in a rented building in the campus of M/s ITI Ltd, Raebareli campus.
Skill Development Institute, Raebareli campus consists of
1) Three Smart Class Room
2) Two Mechanical Work Shops- Fitter and Welder
3) Two Hybrid Classrooms with Lab- Electrical and Instrumentation
4) Computer Lab
5) Library Cum Recreation
6) Cafeteria
7) Administrative Block
8) Principal & Staff rooms for NTTF
9) Quarters – 60 Nos. for residential Boys & Girls Hostel purpose.
10) Residential Rooms – 12 Nos. for GAIL Executives, Faculty & other staffs.